Uncle Don's Hawaiian Recipes

Salmon Fillets Kuuala

  • Basting sauce
  • 1/2 t cooking oil
  • 1/2 t liquid hickory smoke
  • 1 T maple syrup
  • 1 T soy sauce
  • 1/2 t hawaiian salt, or rock salt [pa¹akai]
  • 1 clove fresh garlic [smashed and chopped]
  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 1 small brush, foh brush not foh eat
Fix da kine above for baste da feesh...

Try make one container out two pieces aluminum foil by fold up da edges. Den place da salmon fillets on top, skin side down. Den, brush da sauce lightly, hey! I said lightly, on the fillets, two tree times, no mo. Do dis jus 10 minutes before and once or twice wen cooking. Wid one gas broiler, preheat da grill den turn off one burner and leave da other one on about 3/4. Place da fish on top da foil, oa da burner wat is off. No make mistake now...

Cook only until da fish wen flake when you fella tes em in the tickest part wid one fork. Stick da fork in about one half inch and twis¹em lightly for check. Hemo off from da heat right away as it keeps cook¹en even wen off da grill. NO OVA COOK!!! Dis basting sauce is uka strong so do not marinade wid it. Dis amount sauce will easy cover about 1/4 to 1/2 pounds fish. Watch da cooking carefully and wen pau, use da foil fo transfer da fish to one warm platter. Siddown eat da fish right away fo no get cole.

You like some good stuff for go wid da fish? Try get some real cole slices canned Mandarin oranges, keep¹em inna ice box, as one side dish, with plenty steamed white rice and for shocka veggie, try da kine, fresh Asparagus Hollandaise. Onolicious!

Hope you fella enjoy. Show some class, wen you cook dis, invite da neighbahs...Uncle Don McDiarmid.

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